A Blog post on why VAD is a necessity in modern ASR Pipeline and what are the challenges you can encounter if you chose to build or Integrate VAD yourself
Kaushik Tiwari
Founder @SNR.Audio
April 6, 2024

VAD is a binary classification task that plays a pivotal role in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems and media applications. Its primary function is to detect human speech within audio signals.

VAD is mainly used here:

  • ASR: In ASR systems, VAD initiates the process after detecting the presence of human speech. This feature is crucial for maintaining optimal performance in speech recognition tasks.
  • Media Applications: For media-related use cases, VAD is responsible for identifying and isolating speech segments within large audio files. This enables more efficient and precise audio processing in various multimedia applications.

A Brief History of Approaches and Challenges Involved in Building VAD Models

The primary objective of Voice Activity Detection (VAD) is to distinguish human speech from background noise. Normally this task is relatively simple in quiet surroundings, it becomes difficult when noise is introduced. For instance unavoidable ambient sounds like a fan or car engine can hinder VAD accuracy. Earlier Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques were deployed mitigate this issue by employing denoising algorithms or analyzing spectral features. However, these methods may fall short when the noise closely resembles human speech, such as babble noise.In such cases, a Deep Learning Model is the optimal solution. Deep Learning can identify subtle distinctions between voice-like noises and genuine human speech, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and precision of VAD systems in professional environments.


VAD accuracy is determined through two major metrics: True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate (FPR). They play a vital role in evaluating how well the VAD system performs by recognizing human speech along with its source audio.The ROC curve is an informative means of estimating the performance of binary classifiers such as VAD. TPR and FPR are the graphical variables that can be captured by the ROC curve, making it possible to assess a classifier’s behavior based on multiple decision thresholds at once.The use of the ROC curve by the designers enables them to analyze the trade-off between the detection rate and false positive rate, in order to develop VAD systems suitable for different applications and needs. This means that the ROC analysis is a good source of information on the performance of the VAD, where it helps to improve these essential elements of speech and audio processing.

VAD Models

Here are  Top 5 VAD models which you can use to integrate VAD in your ASR Pipeline

  1. Pyannote Segmentation3.0
  2. Selaro VAD
  3. Pyannote Brouhaha
  5. Pyannote Speaker Segmentation

If you are searching for high-quality ASR API  that is able to perform real-time transcription, diarization, and low latency, then we have exactly what you are looking for. Our ASR API is developed especially for streaming architectures, and it enables audio frame-based processing that allows immediate results.


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